Dehmukh levelled down the inequalities in income set forth in the draft of 2nd Five year Plan which was happily welcomed by the Industrialists but hardly be any help to common man.
Estate Duty Bill was introduced By Deshmukh in the Parliament where estate woner had to pay taxes to enjoy their own eastate
Government hoped to gather several crores of rupees as revenue from Estate duty
It was a wonder how Mr. Deshmukh's interim budget showed a surplus whereas many of the States had produced deficit
Jokes on so many plans made by the Government.
Much to Deshmukh`s (Central Government) unhappiness , seven State Governments had announced a second issue of their loans and talking various aspects among themselves.
Nehruji instracted to the Standing Committee of the National Development Council that,the resources for the plan had to be solved by every possible ways,authentic or unauthentic
Nehruji is standing like a failed teacher unable to control his pupils and LokSabha was like a chaotic classroom ,on the 1st day of the autumn session, 1955.
Pandit Nehru was feeding strong doses of socialism to all the Ministers like polio drops.No mercy ,everybody had to drink it.
Preparing & presenting the Companies Bill all alone by Deshmukh himself was such a herroic task as if Deshmukh had crossed the English Channel like a champion swimmer & of course all other ministers were full of praises and comforting him with whatever way possible for his bravery.
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