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IIC Library has several valuable special collections that includes: ‘India Collections,’ ‘Himalayan Club Collection’ and ‘Bilgrami Collection’. The India Collection consists of rare books, maps and documents on British India numbering about 3000 books which were published between 17th to 20th centuries. The Himalayan Collection has about 690 old and new books on mountaineering, and adventures, etc., besides 103 journals and 63 dossiers. Bilgrami collection comprises of over 700 rare books on Indian studies donated by Sir Sayeed Bilgrami.The Library holds the precious collection of personal papers of Walter Sykes George that containing a collection of papers, maps, photographs, correspondence etc. In addition to these, the digital repository also includes Annual lectures, C.D. Deshmukh Collection, Occasional papers, Photo collection etc. This repository is thus a unique repository of rare archival collection.